We are hoping that the MourningCross blog provides tools and resources to navigate the journey with resilience.

Bereavement Help

Bereavement help can make all the difference as you go through the process of grieving a loss. There are literally hundreds of qualified and specialist bereavement support...

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Memorial Ideas

We all want to mark the passing of our loves in a unique and special way and it is a very personal journey, most families visit a grave as their memorial and that's great if...

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Doves for a funeral

Doves for a funeral

Doves for a funeral The number of people releasing doves for a funeral has grown over the last number of years. It is a service provided throughout the country. Why do...

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Death Phobia

Death Phobia

Death Phobia We hear it all the time, there are only two guarantees in this life, taxes and death. Just as people have a fear of spiders, enclosed spaces, heights and...

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Grief Depression

Grief Depression

YOU DO NOT HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS, and you do not need antidepressants! Most of society believes that depression is a valid illness, often utilizing it to describe a...

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Death of a dog

Death of a dog

Death of a dog If you have recently experienced the death of a dog, firstly I offer a huge hug from my heart to yours. Above is my beautiful wee Bono who died last January....

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The cost of a funeral

The Cost of a funeral Organising a funeral following the death of a loved is one the hardest things you will have to do. It can cause an additional level of stress at this...

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Don’t be so hard on yourself

Don’t be so hard on yourself

Don’t be so hard on yourself   Sometimes music and its lyrics can touch us in ways we need to be touched to allow ourselves to be opened up to healing, and the processes...

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Death of a daughter

Death of a daughter

Cardboard Coffins Orla's Carriage When asked to assist at the funeral of Orla Mullins aged 9 nearly seven years ago, my heart sank with sorrow for her family.  What I...

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